(Shina) Fitaovana fanarenana ElasticAle Elastic (Knitting ASTM D3107)

Famaritana fohy:

Used for measuring the tensile, growth and recovery properties of woven fabrics after applying certain tension and elongation to all or part of woven fabrics containing elastic yarns.

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Used for measuring the tensile, growth and recovery properties of woven fabrics after applying certain tension and elongation to all or part of woven fabrics containing elastic yarns.

Fitsipika fivoriana

Astm d 3107-2007. ASTMD 1776; ASTMD 2904

Ny tarehimarika ara-teknika

1. Fiara fitsapana: vondrona 6
2. Sampana ambony: 6
3. Clamp ambany: 6
4. Lanjan'ny fihenjanana: 1.8kg (4lb.) - 3 pcs
1.35 kg (3 lb.) --- 3 pcs
5. Size Sample: 50 × 560mm (l × W)
6. Ny refy: 1000 × 500 × 1500mm (l × w w h)

Lisitry ny konfigurasi

1. Host --- 1 set

2.Tensioniness 1,8kg (4lb.) T ---- 3 PC

3.Mandanja 1.35kg (3lb.) T ---- 3 PC

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